Macenta, Guinea, West Africa. One of the original birthplaces of coffee and home to the coffea canephora plant. Better known as Robusta. But not really known at all.
Because here’s the thing: while around 40% of the world’s coffee is a form of ‘Robusta’, it’s almost impossible to find a quality single-origin Robusta in Europe or indeed any major coffee drinking market.
And yet the microclimate, the biodiversity, the terroir here is perfect for growing quality single-origin Robusta coffee.
What’s more, there are no shortage of coffee farmers in Macenta. 70% of Macenta’s population lives off the land and coffee is by far the most important crop.
But a system of cash crops that undermines quality has prevented the world from knowing the true coffee of Macenta.
Macenta Beans is changing the way coffee is grown, processed and sold in Macenta. We’re bringing the unique taste of Macenta to the world—and putting Macenta on the map.
Up until now dependence on middlemen and lack of access to quality coffee markets has prevented Macenta’s farmers from producing great coffee or getting a decent price for it. We’re tackling this from multiple angles.
We’re helping Macenta’s farmers to fulfil the potential of the coffee they grow. Assisting them to harvest and select the best red cherries creates a quality premium, for which we pay a minimum of 30% above the usual local price.
But it doesn’t stop there. We invite farmers to participate in the processing of their coffee, with Macenta Beans providing both quality assurance and mentoring.
Our goal is to create not just one coffee but many—each representing different aspects of the terroir, different villages, and the craft of individual farmers.
So it’s as much about building knowhow and pride as it is about infrastructure and sales pipelines. It’s paying a fair price for a quality product, but it’s also creating long term opportunities for the region.
Ultimately we want to offer a curated selection of world-class single-origin Robustas that our whole community can be proud to call Macenta Coffee.